2013 Youth Scholarship Tournament RESULTS
UPDATE: Daniel Bray photography took some additional photos, check them out here: http://www.danielbrayphotography.com/f122881776
37 players competed the weekend of May 17th and 18th in singles and doubles. Guests came from as far away as Sebring and Winter Haven to support the tournament!
Here are the RESULTS: Congrats to the all the winners! Click Division for photos
Open Singles: 1st Stevey Johnson 2nd Jeff Hart
Advanced Doubles: 1st Thomas Consolato/Bob Ward 2nd Stevey J/Kevin Potapow
A Singles: 1st Jason Moore 2nd John Peloso
B Singles: 1st Jim Taylor 2nd Randy Doramus
C Singles: 1st Kevin Potapow 2nd Rodney Cannon
Intermediate Doubles: 1st Jim Taylor/Charlie McGuirre 2nd Randy Doramus/John Aizpurua
More Photos: Registration Table (Thanks Michelle) , Action (I got it) , Group Photo
SPECIAL THANKS to the following sponsors for their generous contributions:
RAE (Recycle All Electronics), Sonny’s, McDonalds, DanZano’s Pizza, Greg Bonnenclark, Modern Muffler Shops
Tournament Coordinators: Daniel Bray and Cameron McGeoch
Registration: Michelle DeMeza
Tournament Time Keeper: Elton Autwell
More tournament info/photos = contact Rod Van Dyke 863-651-4058